Yixuan Liu | 刘艺璇

Office: CMA 5.172
I am a 3rd year Ph.D. student in the Department of Communication Studies at The University of Texas at Austin. I am advised by Dr. Dawna Ballard. In my research projects, I study time and technologies in the workplace. I seek to highlight the gendered labor that is often overlooked.
Ph.D. in Communication Studies, 2022 – Present
The University of Texas at Austin
⁃ Advisor: Dr. Dawna Ballard
The University of Texas at Austin
⁃ Advisor: Dr. Dawna Ballard
M.A. in Journalism and Communication, 2019 – 2022
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
⁃ Award: China National Scholarship
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
⁃ Award: China National Scholarship
B.A. in Education & B.A. in Communication , 2015 – 2019
Beijing Normal University
⁃ Awards: Outstanding undergraduate thesis; Jingshi Academic Scholarship
Beijing Normal University
⁃ Awards: Outstanding undergraduate thesis; Jingshi Academic Scholarship
Residual and emergent: Good mother ideals in China and the role of cultural valuesFamily Relations 2024.
Discipline and resistance in the representation of motherhood: Postpartum recovery discussion on XiaohongshuFeminist Media Studies 2023.
Platform ruralism: Digital platforms and the techno-spatial fixGeoforum 2022.
Understanding virtual gifting in live streaming by the theory of planned behaviorHuman Behavior and Emerging Technologies 2022.
The impact of trust in technology and trust in leadership on the adoption of new technology from employee’s perspectiveAdvances in Psychological Science 2021.